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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

We've been busy...

Hello friends,

I know we have been slack of late with the blog posts. For that we apologise. But a lot has been happening! Anne welcomed baby Nigh into the world, Kerrie is only a few weeks away from her new bundle arriving, and we have been preparing for the markets at the Northcote town hall. We will be there this Saturday, so come and say hi if you are around.

Also, some of our products are now available online at Big Cartel – click this link to see the page. It's just a start... we hope to expand the range available if it works out.

We also wanted to tell everyone about a new book that is coming out in August that will feature Little Soursob. It's called Handmade in Melbourne and we are very excited to be involved. Keep an eye out for it in stores from August.

Much love to everyone,

Anne and Kerrie